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Breastfeeding Support

Online breastfeeding support is available for parents and parents-to-be anywhere, anytime with Nest Collaborative lactation consultants. Nest Collaborative consultants are International Board Certified Lactation Consultants (IBCLCs) offering online, virtual breastfeeding consults from the comfort of your own home.

If you are having trouble breastfeeding, don’t fret about it. You are not alone and there is help available, right at your fingertips.

Breastfeeding Support FAQs

Who can benefit from breastfeeding support?

Both parents and parents-to-be can greatly benefit from breastfeeding support with our IBCLCs. Whatever your status, our IBCLCs are here to help parents through their breastfeeding journey.

Our experienced IBCLCs have provided breastfeeding support to parents who have had no problems breastfeeding their first baby but are having problems breastfeeding their second child. This is not surprising as all babies are different.

Our IBLCs have also provided breastfeeding support to new parents helping them navigate through their breastfeeding journey, answering questions, and advising on all sorts of issues. There is nothing we haven’t heard or seen. Don’t feel embarrassed or intimidated to talk to us. There are no silly or stupid questions.

How common is it for parents to experience breastfeeding issues?

Breastfeeding is a beautiful experience for parents and babies, but sometimes there are breastfeeding issues that make the experience difficult. Here is a list of some of the most common problems:

  • Breast Engorgement
  • Poor Breastfeeding Latch
  • Tethered Oral Tissues (such as Tongue Tie)
  • Oversupply or Low Supply
  • Flat or Inverted Nipples
  • Nipple Pain
  • Breast refusal
  • Engorgement
  • Mastitis (Breast Inflammation and/or Infection)

Breastfeeding FAQs for Same-Sex and Trans-Parent Families

At Nest Collaborative, we are passionate about helping the LGBTQIA+ community overcome challenges in their bodyfeeding journey. You are in the right place if you’re a same-sex or trans-parent family interested in breastfeeding or chestfeeding your little one.

We answer some frequently asked questions here about bodyfeeding that may help you.

Can I breastfeed if I have never given birth?

Short answer - Yes, you can! You do not have to give birth to be able to bodyfeed. Non-gestational parents can produce human milk by inducing lactation. 

Non-gestational parents can also feed human milk or formula at the breast/chest using supplemental nursing systems.

How is lactation induced?

Induced lactation is when human milk production is achieved without pregnancy. Many non-gestational parents use generic protocols, such as the Newman-Goldfarb protocol, to induce lactation and/or collaborate with their primary care providers to individualize treatment in conjunction with an IBCLC. 

Induced lactation can take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months to produce human milk. Milk supply may be affected by hormone profiles, medication, prior chest surgery, and other medical history. 

Will induced lactation produce enough milk for my child?

Every drop of human milk counts, AND there are myriad benefits to responsive feeding, skin-to-skin, and supplemental nursing systems if you are not able to produce human milk. 

Most trans or non-gestational parents are able to produce at least some amount of milk by induced lactation. However, the quantity can differ based on your health history. Your Nest Collaborative IBCLC will collaborate with you to ensure that your baby receives appropriate nutrition. 

How can an IBCLC support my family’s bodyfeeding experience?

Nest Collaborative works with a full roster of IBCLCs who support families around the country with their body+feeding journeys. Your Nest Collaborative IBCLC will work with you to establish your goals, honor your journey, and collaborate with your primary care provider to help you reach your goals.

When is the best time to seek breastfeeding support?

You don’t need to wait to have your baby before seeking breastfeeding support. Early preparation and personalized breastfeeding education increase your chances of successfully meeting your breastfeeding goals.

Include Nest Collaborative In Your Prenatal Planning

What kind of breastfeeding support do you offer?

Our expert team provides lactation support for prenatal and postpartum parents, during any stage from beginning to end. It starts with Breastfeeding Education and Prenatal Planning for Breastfeeding, followed by Breastfeeding Tips and Balancing Life with Breastfeeding. We are with you every step of the way, troubleshooting lactation issues and providing reassurance and moral support.

How can online breastfeeding support help you?

Whether you’re a new parent, or you’re having another baby, online breastfeeding support is available via telehealth.

Nest Collaborative is a collection of International Board-Certified Lactation Consultants (IBCLCs) who provide lactation counseling services via telehealth. Since 2018, we have been conducting online, video appointments (telehealth) to help guide parents through their breastfeeding journey.

Only lactation support is a great option for parents who don't have lactation support available nearby or want to get support in the comfort of their home.

Amanda brings a passion to Nest Collaborative to expand access to lactation counseling services via telehealth–breastfeeding support that is accessible, affordable, and preventive.

Is breastfeeding support available for all parents?

Nest Collaborative is committed to providing breastfeeding support to all parents. In our efforts to support the endeavors of the World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action and the United States Breastfeeding Committee that breastfeeding should be the standard of care around the world, Nest Collaborative offers online breastfeeding support to all parents, new and experienced, every day of the year including holidays.

Telehealth helps us expand access to care for all parents. We offer

  • International Board Certified Lactation Consultants
  • Immediate and Same-Day Appointments
  • Virtual (Online) Appointments 7 days/week, Including Evenings
  • Multiple sessions accepted by most insurances.
  • Breastfeeding Support for Twins and Multiples
  • Bilingual service providers available. Contact us for specific details.
  • Expert Advice Available Before and After Baby Arrives, And for Return-To-Work Planning, Weaning, and Everything In-Between

Lactation counseling has never been more convenient. You can have live, on-demand video visits with a consultant of your choice.


Nest Collaborative stands with our Black Families to denounce our country’s long standing epidemic of racism and white supremacy. We speak out hoping to encourage you to do the same, as our voices together support the changes needed to ensure the future safety and health of our Black brothers and sisters. #BLACKLIVESMATTER

What are the benefits of online breastfeeding support?

We’re here to offer you the best evidence-based advice, support, and guidance to help you reach your breastfeeding goals. We advocate for what you want and work closely with your primary care team to provide you with the best breastfeeding support you need.

How do you get started with a virtual breastfeeding consult?



When making a booking, select your preferred date, and time. You’ll receive an email confirmation and an invitation to complete your registration.


Our team will confirm your insurance information. All you have to do is find a well-lit and comfortable space with a good WiFi connection.


We’ll address the concerns you identify as most important and create a plan that works for you. We’ll collaborate with your primary care team to keep everyone in the loop.

Do you have a lactation consultant who is fluent in other languages?

Yes, we have Lactation Consultants who speak:

Do you have a lactation consultant who can help with twins?

Yes, any of our IBCLCs are qualified to help with twins and multiples. We also have Lactation Consultants with personal experience breastfeeding twins:

Online Breastfeeding Support from Nest Collaborative IBCLCs

If you are looking for breastfeeding support before and after your baby is born, our lactation consultants at Nest Collaborative can help. Our expert team provides lactation support online for prenatal and postpartum parents, during any stage from beginning to end.

Book Now to schedule your virtual breastfeeding consult.

For your added convenience, check out our Breastfeeding: Recommended Reading List.

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