hello world!

Lawrie Brust


Year of Certification


Special Interests

Back to Work
Toddler/Tandem Nursing

Language Spoken


Please share anything you'd like from your own personal breastfeeding experience.

I have enjoyed breastfeeding all three of my children. All three of my children have had tongue ties and or lip ties. I know the struggle of a painful latch. I returned to work after each of my babies, so I am an expert at pumping and returning to work. My last baby did not enjoy taking bottles, so she was brought to me to nurse in between my taking care of my fellow breastfeeding mamas.

What excites you most about being an IBCLC?

I love helping mothers reach their breastfeeding goals and watching them build confidence in nurturing their children.

In what types of settings have you supported patients in lactation?

My breastfeeding career began in the Neonatal ICU as a Nurse in 2006. I enjoyed helping mothers provide the best medicine for their sick babies. After having my first baby and working in the Mother Baby Unit for several years, I decided to become a Lactation Consultant. 

I wanted to learn more tools to help my patients after delivery. After becoming an IBCLC I also began teaching Prenatal Breastfeeding Classes at the hospital. Over the years, I have continued assisting patients throughout the hospitals, including the Neonatal ICU, Pediatric Unit, Mother Baby Unit, Labor and Delivery Unit, Adult ICU's, as well as Out Patient Clinic's and Breastfeeding Support groups.

What makes up your family (people & pets)?

I have been married for 17 years, and we have three beautiful children as well as one fur baby.

What do you enjoy doing while not at work?

Traveling, trying new foods and relaxing with music.

Please share any additional education or certifications you have.

I earned my Bachelors in Nursing in 2006, and I went back to school and earned my Masters in Nursing Education in 2016.

What state do you reside in?


When did you know you wanted to become an IBCLC?

After having my first son in 2008.

Why did you become an IBCLC?

I wanted more tools to help my patients overcome their breastfeeding challenges.

What do you wish you could tell every parent (that they would actually do) and why?

I think it is so important to ask for help. Those first few days, weeks, and months can  be so challenging and lonely, but reaching out and asking for help can make a huge difference.

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