I have 5 years of multifaceted breastfeeding experience between my two children. I have had low supply, supplemented, breastfed exclusively, milk shared and received, stayed home, returned to work, struggled, succeeded, and learned a lot on our journeys.
I live for helping families get answers to their lactation and feeding questions. I love watching people learn about their bodies and their sweet babies.
Hospital Inpatient, Outpatient clinics, Special Care Nursery, NICU, Public Health Department, home visits, health fairs (while walking downtown, shopping at the farmer's market, everywhere!)
My family is little and sweet and we adore our silly pet salamander.
I can be found in the kitchen making up dinner recipes or baking sweet treats, and playing video games with my family.
I knew I wanted to pursue my IBCLC through the help and care from my own IBCLC! I loved helping other parents at the support group, working through struggles that we had in common. I needed to know all about breastfeeding, inside and out.
I became an IBCLC to educate, empower, and encourage families to learn more about their bodies and their babies and to be a bridge of lost ancestral breastfeeding knowledge.
Take a Prenatal Breastfeeding class! You'll be able to learn some basic info and skills for confident success. The more you know before baby arrives, the easier it will be to master those skills.