hello world!

Jodi Foote


Year of Certification


Special Interests

Feeding multiples,
Latching difficulties,
and Increasing supply

Language Spoken


What excites you most about being an IBCLC?

Helping families all feel supported through the lactation journey! It does not just effect the lactating parent and baby! I love being able to support, educate, and assist with this special time in people's lives.

In what types of settings have you supported patients in lactation?

Hospital, NICU, Postpartum Unit, and in-home care.

What makes up your family (people & pets)?

My amazing husband and our beautiful bright blue-eyed Australian Shepard, Spruce.

What do you enjoy doing while not at work?

Taking a hike with my dog, rock climbing, and trying new foods!

What state do you reside in?


When did you know you wanted to become an IBCLC?

I became an IBCLC because I saw the need to support women prenatally and postpartum. I saw the need for educating healthcare professionals and society about the benefits of breastmilk and the importance of infant feeding methods.

Why did you become an IBCLC?

Breastfeeding/pumping is not always easy! If this were all easy, I wouldn't have a job!

What do you wish you could tell every parent (that they would actually do) and why?

Originally pursuing a Master’s in Occupational Therapy, I quickly fell in love with infant development and infant feeding. I love that I can apply my Occupational Therapy background to my lactation career. I am the lead lactation consultant at my local hospital, specializing in the NICU and postpartum units. Supporting families in the newborn stage and transition to home is a big passion of mine. Advocating for optimal breastfeeding outcomes allows me to be a voice in my community. I feel so lucky to be a part of the Nest team! Ready to give you the BREAST care!

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