Looking for an innovative family wellness benefit? Nest Collaborative’s virtual lactation education and support services can be a powerful differentiator for employers. We offer virtual lactation consultants, group lactation classes and educational webinars to support your employees and their families.
Introducing our New Baby Welcome Package, virtual lactation support, tailored webinars for working parents, and ongoing support from our partner success team. Experience comprehensive assistance throughout your parenting journey.
References: 1. https://hscmd.org/community-initiatives-and-outreach/business-case-for-breastfeeding-in-the-work-place/ • 2. Aeroflow 2018 Study “BREASTFEEDING AND PUMPING IN THE WORKPLACE - A SCORECARD” • 3. International Lactation Consultant Association. Written by Doraine Bailey, MA. For World Breastfeeding Week Action Kit, “Breastfeeding: The Best Investment” • 4. https://www.flbreastfeeding.org/business-case-for-breastfeeding/
According to The Mom Project, nearly half of highly skilled women opt to leave the workforce following motherhood. However, companies that implement lactation programs witness remarkable employee retention rates ranging from 83% to 94% after maternity leave, surpassing the national average of only 59%. These statistics highlight the significant impact of supportive initiatives on retaining talented and experienced female professionals in the workplace.
CIGNA’s 2-year study of 343 employees in their lactation support program revealed significant results: $240,000 annual healthcare savings, 62% fewer prescriptions, and $60,000 saved in reduced absenteeism.
Mutual of Omaha’s findings: Newborn healthcare costs are three times lower for mothers in their maternity and lactation program. Non-participating employees incurred $2,146 higher per-person healthcare costs, while breastfeeding parents and babies saved $115,881 annually in healthcare claims.