Breastfeeding your teething baby may seem daunting, but it’s entirely manageable. In fact, breastfeeding can be one of the best tools for comforting your baby through the discomfort of teething.
The late-night wakings, the drool (THE DROOL!), pearly white chompers, the fear for your nipples.
Yep, we’re talking about breastfeeding your teething baby.
There’s no doubt about it: Teething can be a challenging time for parents and babies alike. For babies, it’s physically painful to sprout new teeth. For parents, it’s distressing to see their little ones in discomfort. What’s more, you may worry about how teething can impact your breastfeeding journey.
We’re here to reassure you: It doesn’t have to.
There are some things about parenting that no one looks forward to—and teething is one of them. Each baby sprouts teeth on its timeline. Some babies start getting their milk teeth at the tender age of 3 or 4 months old. Others don’t pop their teeth until 1 year or later. The average age? Around 6 months.
A new tooth takes a little more than a week to come in. You may see symptoms of teething show up 3 or 4 days before the tooth actually shows, and they can last through when the tooth fully erupts. These symptoms include:
These symptoms often show up in breastfeeding behavior. For example, your baby may constantly want to nurse, or they may avoid nursing. Swollen gums may make latching more difficult, or they may try biting or chewing while on the breast.
This might make you cringe and reconsider breastfeeding at all. Remember that they’re looking for ways to relieve discomfort. The pressure on their gums as teeth begin to erupt can be highly uncomfortable—clamping down on something can feel good.
Note that not all babies experience significant discomfort during teething. What’s more, even if they do, getting new teeth often gets more manageable as your baby gets older. What is initially an aching pain at 5 months old may become more manageable when they are 8 months old.
Is breastfeeding a baby with teeth worrying you? It shouldn’t. When babies are nursing correctly, their tongue moves past their gums to draw in the nipple, meaning their tongue shields your nipple from their teeth. What’s more, babies use their gums to compress the areola to express milk. So even if babies have a mouth full of teeth, they don’t need them at all to get milk.
That being said, if your baby does bite in response to teething discomfort, there are lots of things you can try to help him, or her manage the pain.
What’s more, breast milk has analgesic and anti-inflammatory qualities. That means that your breast milk itself can help reduce pain and discomfort for your baby.
If your baby bites or clamps down hard enough to break the skin, wash the area with soap and water and apply antibiotic cream after each feeding until the injury has healed.
This situation can be just as concerning as biting—sometimes even more so. You want to be sure your baby is well-nourished, after all!
Start by checking if your baby has a temperature over 100.4 or for any other sign of illness. If your baby is otherwise fine, try the suggestions above (offering a cold washcloth or teething toy, changing nursing positions, etc.). If those don’t work, offer your baby expressed milk in a cup or a bottle.
However, if biting is a problem, discourage your baby from chewing or biting on the bottle nipple. You want to prevent your baby from developing problematic feeding behaviors!
Late nights, crabby babies, and, yes, drool. Teething isn’t easy, but it’s a short stage. Within a week, your baby will be back to his or her old self. And as pointed out, teething often gets easier to deal with as your baby gets older. Not only does he or she become more accustomed to the sensation of teething, but you also learn the best techniques to soothe your little one.
Even though you’re not the one teething, you might feel overwhelmed. We’re here to help you figure out what works for you and your teething baby. Book a convenient online video appointment with a Nest Collaborative IBCLC and get support today!