While feeding my own three children, I ran into different issues with each one along the way. It made me realize how important support is even if you have breastfed before, or are a trained midwife or lactation consultant.
The impact you can have on the lives of women and lactating people.
Hospital, NICU, clinic, community, telehealth, outpatient, phone
My husband and three kids
I love to walk in nature, cook and bake, and do crafts with my kids.
BSc Midwifery, NIPE practitioner, Tongue Tie Practitioner, Hypnobirthing teacher
When I breastfed my son for the first time and realized that even though he was no longer in my womb, we were still very much connected through feeding.
To increase my knowledge so that I could help families with more and more complex feeding issues.
Patience and perseverance are the two most important tools a breastfeeding parent can have. stick with it, it will pay off 10-fold if you do.